Course Outline
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 course overview
This Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 course explains how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to create interactive websites. After completing this training course you would be able to use HTML5 and CSS3 on your web pages. This course covers a range of topics such as video support, HTML5 APIs, Canvas and SVG, HTML5 Forms and more.
Few practical HTML5 and CSS3 based projects at the end of the course will ensure that you can apply HTML5 on your web projects.
This short HTML5 and CSS3 course is hands-on, instructor-led and classroom based. This training can be taken as a part-time evening course or even on the weekends. A list of all upcoming public HTML5 and CSS3 training course is given on Training Dragon website. Each course is restricted to a maximum of ten delegates to ensure an excellent training experience.
Who is Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 training for?
This course is aimed at website designers who have already completed Web Design Course and JavaScript Courses or have equivalent experience. This is for complete beginners in HTML5 and CSS3: its aim is to present some of the new features of HTML5 and CSS3, learn how to use them through practical examples and get started in HTML5 and CSS3 development.
Prerequisites for Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 course
To attend this course you must be familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. If you are not familiar with such topics, please consider enrolling on our Web design (HTML and CSS) and jQuery and JavaScript courses first. If you have already completed Jquery and JavaScript course with us please make sure you review your jQuery and JavaScript course topics before your first HTML5 and CSS3 class.
What will I get?
- Training from professional HTML5 and CSS3 web designers:
Training Dragon consultants have been implementing professional HTML5 & CSS3 solutions across a range of web sites for many years. Those consultants write and teach our HTML5 and CSS3 training courses, so their experience directly informs course content.
- Real-time Practice and Projects:
Our web design courses are designed to get you started in web design. We work on industry related projects in this HTML5 and CSS3 course. If you have a project or an idea that you wanted to turn into website then present that idea during the course and our trainers will help you to work on your own website.
- Course Material:
HTML5 and CSS3 electronic notes are included in this course.
- Course Completion Certificate:
After completing this training your will be receive an HTML5 and CSS3 course completion certificate.
- Support and Careers Advice:
After the course if you have any problems or questions regarding HTML5 and CSS3 do not hesitate to contact us. Training Dragon’s trainers are expert in their fields and if you need any help with you career choice, please speak to one of our trainers.
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Course Contents
Introduction to HTML5
- What is HTML5?
- History of HTML5
- Current HTML5 support
- Ensuring browser support
- Setting your own markup standards
- The Document Object Model (DOM)
- When can I use HTML5?
- HTML5 Showcase
- Using HTML5 on mobile devices
- HTML5 or Flash
- Developer Tools
- Detecting HTML5 features
- HTML5 vs. HTML4
- API overview
- Reviewing Features and Benefits
HTML5 Markup
- HTML5 page structure
- Character set
- Script tag, and style sheet link
- HTML5 markup
- New structural tags
- New content tags
- New application-focused tags
- Deprecated elements
- Semantic elements
- HTML5 and CSS
- Marking Up Dates and Times With HTML5
- Marking Up Captions for Figures in HTML5
- Understanding the HTML 5 document header
- Structuring your document with <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <figure> and other new structure tags
- data attributes
- HTML5 form elements
- Building and using HTML5 forms
- New elements,
- New attributes
- New input types
- Setting form autofocus
- Using placeholder data
- Marking required fields
- Working with number inputs
- Using date pickers
- Setting autofocus to a field
- Using the Placeholder attribute
- Capturing email addresses
- Capturing url addresses
- Capturing a telephone number
- Capturing numbers (spinner)
- Capturing numbers (slider)
- Using the Date, Month, Week, Time inputs
- Defining a Search Box
- Choosing a Color
- Using a DataList
- Creating Selection Groups
- Defining Command Buttons
- Setting field input to be required
HTML5 Selectors API
- querySelector()
- querySelectorAll()
HTML5 Geolocation API
- Geolocation overview
- Third party API: Google Map API
HTML5 Audio and Video
- The audio element
- The video element
- Understanding audio and video
- Audio and video containers
- Audio and video codec’s
- Backwards Compatibility
- Using the HTML5 media tags
- Creating custom controls
- Accessible media
- Manipulate videos with canvas
HTML5 Canvas
- Intro to canvas
- Introducing the canvas element & Creating Fallback Content
- The canvas coordinate system and sizing the canvas
- Drawing with Canvas
- Drawing with canvas, including filling, stroking and erasing rectangles
- Drawing lines and other paths in canvas, including circles
- Drawing text with canvas
- Detecting mouse position on canvas
- Drawing and manipulating images on canvas
- Playing and manipulating videos on canvas
- Canvas animation intro
HTML5 User Media API
- Overview
- Accessing device camera
- Capturing audio and video
- Displaying webcam data into a page
SVG intro
- Overview
- How to use SVG
- Drawing primitives
- Using SMIL to animate SVG
- Creating complex SVG graphics with Illustrator
- SVG accessibility
- Intro to JavaScript libraries that help with drawing
JavaScript and HTML5
- Understanding and working with the HTML5 DOM
Introducing to CSS3
- What is CSS3?
- The current status of CSS3
- An overview of CSS3 capabilities
- Can you use CSS3 now?
- Detecting support for CSS3
- Understanding vendor prefixes
- Overview of the CSS3 specification
- CSS Profiles
- The document tree
CSS3 Selectors
- New CSS3 selectors
- An overview of child and sibling selectors
- Using child and sibling selectors
- An overview of attribute selectors
- Using attribute selectors
- Pseudo-class UI selectors
- Negation pseudo-class selectors
- Target pseudo-class selectors
- Structural selectors
- Nth-child selector syntax
- First, last, and only structural selectors
- Using structural selectors to write more efficient code
Colours and Opacity in CSS3
- Color formats in CSS3
- Transparency in CSS3
- Setting opacity
- RGBA and HSL values and alpha channel opacity
- CSS3 gradients
- Creating linear gradients
- Creating radial gradients
CSS3 Typography
- Working with web fonts
- How can I use any font in CSS3?
- @font-face syntax
- Writing @font-face declarations
- Using web fonts
- Adding shadows to text
- Creating multi-column text
CSS3 and Page Layout
- An overview of the flexible box model
- Controlling box orientation
- Setting element flexibility
- Distributing boxes
- Controlling box alignment
- Working with box-sizing
Borders in CSS3
- Using border-radius
- Custom rounded corners
- Drop shadows
- Box shadows
- Gradient borders
- Using images for borders
- Using outlines
The CSS3 Box Model
- Introduction to CSS3 Box Model
- Difference between CSS3 and CSS2 box models
Backgrounds in CSS3
- Resizing backgrounds
- Controlling background size
- Creating multiple background images on one element
- Using background-origin
- Clipping background content
CSS3 Transitions and Transforms
- An overview of CSS3 2D transforms
- Using 2D transforms
- Setting transform origins
- An overview of CSS3 transitions
- Animating CSS properties
- Using easing in animations
- An overview of 3D transforms
Multi-column layout
- Browser support
- Checking support
- Providing alternatives
- Enriching the experience layer
Projects in HTML5 and CSS3
Project 1 – Build a website using HTML5 & CSS3:
Create a website using HTML5 and CSS3. In this project we will create a website using new semantic markup and CSS3 features, we will use it as a showcase container for our projects.
Project 2 – Build a simple Geolocation application:
Create an application that dynamically detects user's current position and displays it on a map using Google Map API.
Project 3 – Build Canvas Demos:
Create simple Canvas demos to draw different shapes, add interactivity, manipulate videos, animate objects.
Project 4 – Build a simple custom video player
Using the new video tag and JavaScript, we will see how to create a simple video player, add a progress bar and how to add effect to videos using <video>, <canvas> and JavaScript.
Project 5 – Build a 3D cube
Using amazing new properties of CSS3 (transforms, animations) we will build a simple 3D animation.
Project 6 – Build a CSS3 carousel
We will build an image carousel with CSS3 and no JavaScript.
View Complete Course outline